Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Playing in the Rain

Just when I went out from the office, I saw these four children having fun in the rain. And my childhood memories flashed back. With my neighbors and friends, we enjoyed the rain playing and running around our subdivision until the rain went off.

I was happy looking at them. So I've decided to take pictures of them. At first, they were unmindful of me. Till they voluntered to pose...

But these children sent a little shiver on my neck because they are enjoying splashing water which had build up in the canal. They would ignore anybody who tried to reprimand them to get off. I just hope they won't acquire any diseases. Where could have been the parents of the little buddies.

1 comment:

OnInG said...

Yeah... I remember playing in the rain too when I was young. I remember we would make like a little water way and race our paper boats... Running around and doing what ever... Those were the days...=)